Just being in the water lowers your resting heart rate by 10 beats per minute (maximum heart rate decreases by 10 to 30 beats per minute).
Spending more time in your pool moves the water more frequently which keeps your pool cleaner and running more smoothly with less chemicals.
Swimming puts no strain on connective tissues of the body like high impact sports do.
Swimming uses almost all major muscle groups unlike machines which target one at a time.
Swimming is a very good cardiovascular workout of your heart and lungs.
Improves flexibility and posture so you are less prone to injuries.
Physical exercise relieves mental stress and anxiety.
Rhythmic activity such as swimming laps has been proven to calm the mind like meditation.
Swimming is symmetrical, harmonious fitness of the whole body.
Swimming for exercise is especially beneficial and safe for those who suffer arthritis.
Swimming can continue to be a competive sport well into the later years of life.
For injured athletes, swimming is the best sport to keep them in shape until recovered.
Getting in the pool cools you down in the hot summer months.
Swimming can ease the symptoms of ADHD (just ask Michael Phelps).
Swimming burns 500-650 calories per hour, depending on activity and body fat of swimmer.
As with all exercise, making swimming a habit will boost your metabolism out of the pool as well.
Having a pool keeps children away from the TV and outside in fresh air getting exercise and improving focus.
Building a pool increases the value of your home and enhances its beauty.
Providing a pool for recreation is a great way to keep your children home and centered on the family.
Your body temperature does not go up as sharply when swimming as opposed to other sports.
Swimming strokes promotes the regulation of proper breathing - this relaxes the mind and helps the body.
Swimming brings us closer to total zen, a feeling of utter calm and peace.

Before I had learned to swim, I had a fear of deep waters. Thank god that my bestfriend, and my coach helped me conquer that fear. When I conquered that fear, I started to dream of becoming a professional swimmer. I told it my father and he supported my dream, that's why he availed Chicago inground pool installation from professional pool contractors (Chicago-based) so I can practice swimming.